F (Children) [2003] EWCA Civ 592 confirmed that shared residence orders may be made, even when the parents' homes are separated by some considerable distance.
A question I've been asked is "why Kindle?"
We have also published a smartphone guide recently on Dyslexia and the Family Courts, and we want to make our own content more accessible in the coming months.
Kindle has a number of advantages. Firstly, if you have bought one of those slim, lightweight e-book readers, you will know that there is the option of 'text to speech' (when you can enjoy a slightly robotic voice reading to you). The screens are matt, solving the 'glare' problem that comes from pc screens and standard printed paper, which can pose a problem for people with dyslexia. The font is standardised and simple. We are cutting underlining and italics to a minimum, mindful that again, such things can make text harder to digest for someone with dyslexia.
Due to the simple formatting on kindle books, file sizes are kept to a minimum. This makes the format ideal for downloading and then storing large quantities of information. For McKenzie Friends and Litigants-in-Person heading into court, we want to provide information at your fingertips. Barristers are starting to take IPads into court. Not all of us can afford an IPad, but kindle books can also be read on smart phones, other tablet readers, pcs, macs, and of course, kindle readers, making the format accessible on a wide range of hardware.
Kindle content requires kindle software to be downloaded, but the ebook viewing software is free. With Amazon backing it, kindle books are already outselling paperbacks.
Visit The Custody Minefield to download the first of our kindle reference titles. You'll also find 38 free, simple html guides that can be viewed quickly on a smart phone.
Our goal for providing information for the coming year will be increasing accessibility (both in terms of format, and mindful of problems faced by parents and grandparents with specific learning difficulties or who are visually impaired). More content, and new guides will of course be coming, as well as the new formats for the existing guides and reference material.