Tuesday 18 January 2011

2010 productivity...

What we did in 2010...

1 ‘quick guide’ published to prevent international child abduction
1 guide on emergency protection orders written and published
1 speech in Westminster
3 talks for charities
4 hours of talks delivered...
5 microsoft word letter templates designed and published
8 microsoft word ‘court form’ templates designed for download
11 family law guides published in pdf format
17 court forms made available for download
20 articles on relocation published
30 factsheets/information sheets written for smart phones
34 pages of information published in the leave to remove e-guide
39 pieces of case law analysed and summaries published
41 pages of report writing on relocation and leave to remove published
93 pages of information published in the shared residence e-book
1,317 copies of the Parliamentary Briefing Report on Relocation downloaded
10,324 received hits on the Relocation Campaign web site
108,920 received hits on The Custody Minefield web site

...and answered a fair number of telephone and email enquiries too!

...and now we're off and running in 2011... should busy... the plans are all mapped out!