Wednesday 26 May 2010

What's going on

It's been a while since I've updated my blog, but I've been busy.

We've had a campaign to change the law on leave to remove. An early day motion (EDM373) with 58 Members of Parliament supporting us, our Parliamentary Briefing Report with Bob Geldof's foreword, and our arguments to change the law accepted as being 'compelling in the right case' by Lord Justice Wall.

The main Custody Minefield website has been fully upgraded, with new sections including:

  • Electronic Guides on Leave to Remove and Applying for an Emergency Protection Order;
  • Templates for Court Forms;
  • MSWord Templates for documents for court including a position statement, statement, documents for a court bundle, a skeleton argument and a scott schedule;
  • A recommended books page;
  • Research supporting the benefits of shared care.

Currently being worked on are e-Guides on applying for a Shared Residence Order and Applying to Enforce Contact.

Have a look...

We're currently averaging between 4,000 and 5,000 visits each month, and many of our factsheets are now ranked no.1 on Google.